The media coverage of the ‪#‎CharlestonShooting‬ has been a laugh!


Islam and Racism

Beautiful people Beautiful Faces Mashaa Allah in and out mashaALLAH,
Barakallah Feekum heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon
There is no ‪#‎racism‬ in islam,everyone is ‪#‎equal‬ only ignorent people have a negative mind negative attitute
But this is for islam No recism and Islam is Very beautiful
May Allah make them Happy Muslim couples May Allah reward them those brothers and sisters in all greatness. Aameen !!!!

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Daees (volunteers inviting others to islam at Sweden), (below pic.)

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This brother is one of the Dawah Activists (and a great scholar) Jamal D Omar Jamal Omar he is from USA and her Wife is from Somalia. this is what we call love for the sake of Allah swt.

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This brother’s name is Chris Flaherty (عبدالله) and his picture with his life partner.


and so on.. examples, if anyone more interested I would provide.

finaly below is the comment of a reverted sisters regarding her relatives and their relationship:

Su Hakim There are many reverts in my family. One of my aunties married a punjabi who revert to islam. My younger brother married a chinese christian who revert to islam. Another aunty also married an indian guy who revert to islam. And we all get along just fine with all the extended families.
and what Malcolm X says,



On Wednesday, a 21-year-old white man gunned down six black women and three black men in the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church of Charleston, South Carolina. What do you call this act? Murder? An act of desperation? A mental illness that prevails? I have read it all in the past few days. The only word that the media avoid to use in order to describe what happened is the same word that is now massively repeated on Facebook and Twitter: Terrorism.

It’s the same old story. A Muslim kills and he’s labeled a terrorist, a white man does the same thing and somehow the T-word vanished from the dictionaries of global media companies and is nowhere to be found. And so the idea that terrorism can only be linked with Muslims lives on. This media discourse is based on nothing, no statistics or research. It’s simply the reflection of the ideology that Islam is deemed to cause victims and terrorize society. A non-Muslim killing 9 black churchgoers can therefore not be called terrorism. Thank God there are reporters who see it differently.

‘By any reasonable standard, this is terrorism, which is generally defined as an act of violence against civilians by individuals or organizations for political purposes. But do the thought experiment: If this attack on the church in Charleston had been conducted by a Muslim man shouting “Allahu akbar,” what is already a big news story would have become even bigger, as it would appear to fit so well into the political and media narrative that Muslim militants are the major terrorist problem in the United States,’ CNN’s Peter Berger stated.

Creeping into my Thoughts


We all long for companionship, someone we can turn to in our times of need. The times we need uplifting, for advice and for laughter. It seeps beneath our skin to the deepest level and becomes almost a necessity. Eventually, we think we have found this connection, so we hang onto them. We cling to them with every ounce of us but eventually, no matter how hard we try, how much kindness and support we give, they more than likely leave.

Fake promises, words of an illusion. We twist and turn, we break our backs for those who often wouldn’t even bat an eyelid of gratitude. They step on us, and we crumble to pieces.

Afterwards, we then enter a state of vulnerability. We had began to trust these people, we had opened ourselves up, blossomed with their presence and suddenly, they have vanished. All you wanted was security, someone to befriend, yet they have taken a part of you with them. All of your rawest emotions and your deepest feelings, in the blink of an eye, they are gone with the wind.

Overtime, the repetition of this cycle becomes mentally exhausting. It feels like time after time you have blossomed into a thriving tree, but winter arrives and it batters you. It rips all of your leaves, it snaps your branches and you have to start all over again. Rebuilding yourself.

I tell myself I will not fall victim again, but I do. Time and time again. And then I ask myself, everything is temporary, how do you keep up a life of illusion?

Simply, my answer was to rely on the One who will run towards me if I walk towards Him. Lean on Him swt for support, for guidance. Use the Holy Quran as a healing tool and find your inner self, feed your soul of what it has been starved. Give your love, your soul and your energy to The Creator instead of the creation.

If only we would realise that some people are just passing by. They have taught us lessons and more about ourselves, but eventually they have to leave to explore a path that we cannot accompany them on. We are of no benefit to each other anymore, we were just briefly crossing paths.

We do not know the plan of The Protector, but Allah swt the creator of this whole universe knows it is for the best. If only we could see, if only we had patience.

by sister


A Letter to Myself, to Reverts..


I know it’s hard to stay motivated, to stay positive. I know of the days where you feel dread and anxiety building up to Ramadan more than excitment, I know how you hide your fasting from loved ones. But hey, you’ve perfected the art of excuses in a bid to escape the questions, the interrogation and the endless battles.

I know the struggles of creeping downstairs at 2am to have a nibble, trying to be as quiet as a mouse but your stumbles reveal you and your mouse becomes more like a herd of elephants in a bid to escape its hunters.

I know how hard it is to fast all day and have to eat by yourself, alone. Especially whilst those surrounding you virtually post endless pictures and messages of their feasts, and most of all – their loved ones. You try to absorb their excitment but all you feel is lost, alone and hopeless.

I know how difficult it is to face those dreaded questions, that interrogation, those awkward anti-Muslim conversations. That cold feeling of isolation and rejection. You aren’t normal enough for your family, but neither do you belong to a culture defined Ummah. It’s hard to fit, and even harder to accept, I know.

I understand how difficult it may be to sneak around in a bid to hide your hijab or your modest clothing, participating in a lifelong game of Hide and Seek to conceal your identity. Almost running two lives because you aren’t ready for the confrontation, I know.

But hold on, you will get through it. To reach the light you have to go through darkness, and this is your darkness. Keep walking, keep striving for the light and most of all, keep yearning for Jannah, the place where you will have no pain and this life will seem like a blink of an eye. Make dua, and lots of it. Don’t underestimate the power of prayer.

Allah (ﷻ) is the Best of Planners, recall the hardships of the Prophet (ﷺ) and his sahaba (RA) and remember all they did to spread Islam, all they sacrificed.

Sabr (patience) and Tawakkul (Trust in Allah) ..

Together we will make it through, you will find the strength.

by: sister written @ June 11, 2015June 11, 2015


My Story By Noureen Roberts (USA)


My hijab is empowering and powerful
My Story By Noureen Roberts (USA)

I am 24 and recently reverted to Islam. I have been wearing hijab for just over three months now.

I don’t just like my hijab, I love it. It has become such a part of me and I would feel very off without it. The first day that I started wearing it, it just felt so right.

My hijab is not a burden or a pain or a nuisance. It is not hot or itchy. It is not in the way, annoying, or cumbersome. It is not time consuming or ugly. It is not oppressive or restrictive; it does not prevent me from doing anything. My hijab is nothing bad, nothing negative, and nothing harmful.

My hijab is pretty and nice and awesome. It is comfortable, warm, and protective. My hijab is empowering and powerful.

My hijab reminds me that I am always in the presence of Allah swt. It reminds me of my faith and to stay strong in it.

My hijab says please don’t be negative around me; I don’t have room for your darkness. It says make small talk with me. It says I am strong. It says look at me with respect; look at me not my body; have interest in me not my body. It says please refrain from hitting on me because I do not need your remarks.

I would take what I have now over what I used to have any day. People do not hit on me; I do not get cat-calls. I can just go out and not be bothered, or if people talk to me there is no underlying intention.

My hijab lets me know that I am too beautiful, too precious, and too important to be put on display. It tells me that I am something more than I ever realized.

That is why I choose to not only wear, but love my hijab.

Here’s Proof that Muslim Girls Write the Most Epic Yearbook Quotes

The best way to finish up your final year in high school is by writing an epic yearbook quote. It’s how you will be remembered, and with a little help from social media, how you can impress many people online. And these Muslim girls know exactly how to do that.

A lot of Muslim girls who live in Western countries face the same challenges every day: they are confronted with a society that doesn’t always understand their choices when it comes to practising their religion. With their yearbook quotes, they respond in a witty way and show the world how sassy they can be.

1. Rohafa


We believe her.

2. Maliha


3. Sarah


4. Manar


5. Rafika


6. Fatima


7. Rayhan


Nailed it.

So, can you top these epic quotes?

Allahu Akbar, brother Daniel Took his shahadah

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Welcome our brother Daniel (a 45 year old) to our beautiful religion. About 1 year ago this man Daniel came up to me and my wife and sold us some perfume in the parking lot. I proceeded to start the Dawah conversation and gave him a copy of the Quran, Biography of Muhammad (saw) and some other books to do some research. He had lost his phone so we lost track of each other. Today we went to the store and met Daniel again and he decided that what he had read about Allah and Muhammad (saw) was the truth and accepted Islam. Allahu Akbar. May Allah accept it from him and us and keep him on the path of truth. He has a special request that I will upload later today, insha Allah.

(Continued via Jamal Omar  )

Islam Is Easy – Don’t Make It Difficult


I remember a conversation I recently had with my neighbor and friend who happens to be a non-Muslim.

I had just returned from an Islamic conference, but when I mentioned that to her, she looked at me with worry and asked:

“No one advocates extremism at these sorts of things, do they?”

I almost laughed, but realizing the seriousness of the situation, I reassured her that no, advocating extremism was definitely not on the agenda.

I was struck by the unfortunate irony that extremism is often associated with Islam when in fact, moderation is supposed to be one of the most fundamental aspects of the Muslim’s creed. The Quran clearly states:

{Thus We made you a “wasat” (moderate) nation, that you might be witnesses for all of humanity, and the messenger a witness over yourselves.} (2:143)

Continue reading “Islam Is Easy – Don’t Make It Difficult”