Here’s Proof that Muslim Girls Write the Most Epic Yearbook Quotes

The best way to finish up your final year in high school is by writing an epic yearbook quote. It’s how you will be remembered, and with a little help from social media, how you can impress many people online. And these Muslim girls know exactly how to do that.

A lot of Muslim girls who live in Western countries face the same challenges every day: they are confronted with a society that doesn’t always understand their choices when it comes to practising their religion. With their yearbook quotes, they respond in a witty way and show the world how sassy they can be.

1. Rohafa


We believe her.

2. Maliha


3. Sarah


4. Manar


5. Rafika


6. Fatima


7. Rayhan


Nailed it.

So, can you top these epic quotes?

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